Learning & Education

Training courses & Certificates 

As part of the Chartered Governance Institute, ProShare is committed to the development of a share plans profession. As a lifelong learning partner, we help share plan professionals achieve their professional goals, providing recognition, community, and the voice of its membership.

People join the world of share plans from many different backgrounds. Some change careers while working in related areas like HR or governance. Others are given a share plans brief as part of an existing role.

However you discovered the share plans profession – welcome. You’re embarking on a fascinating, diverse career path with opportunities for you to make a genuine impact at every level.

Different individuals have different learning and development needs. We offer both a professional qualification, in the form of and training.

Introduction to Employee Share Plans and Employee Share Ownership

Our ever-popular full-day training course, Introduction to Employee Share Ownership, provides an overview of the covers a range of all-employee plans in the morning, led by share plan expert Karen Parkinson from PwC, whilst the afternoon covers a variety of discretionary and Executive share plans, led by experts Suzannah Crookes and Tom Parker from Tapestry Compliance. Martha Parkhurst from Eximia wraps things up with an overview of why communicating your employee share plans well is so important.

This workshop provides 5 hours of Continuing Professional Development (CPD). CPD Certificates can be provided to delegates who require them. ProShare’s Gold members all receive one free attendee place at every workshop we run!

You can reserve your place, or find out more, by contacting us at team@proshare.org

Certificate in Employee Share Plans

This Level 4 certificate course is the only professional employee share plan qualification in the UK. It is ideal for those working in company secretarial or administration roles, employed in a relevant role. A unique qualification for UK share scheme professionals.

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